Why I Choose to Raise My Family in San Francisco

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I choose to raise my family in San Francisco, and specifically Potrero Hill, because of the shared commitment to making the Hill better for everyone who lives here.  In every part of our lives, my family has found a welcoming community.

I’d heard the neighborhood legend of families coming together years ago to keep Daniel Webster Elementary School open.  This was before I had kids, but as a daughter of two public school teachers the story and what it said about the community resonated with me.  As I began my own family with my daughter, Whitney, four, and son Calder, two, I’ve come to learn that the spirit that kept Daniel Webster open years ago is alive and well, not only in households, but also in citizen groups and businesses.

Motherhood introduced me to the warm and welcoming Potrero Hill new-moms’ group, always ready with nanny references, gently-used baby goods and mommy/baby coffee dates.  As kids get older, this enthusiasm continues with parent-organized events, like the annual Easter Egg Hunt at McKinley Park.  

I find the same family-centered commitment from community organizations. The public library staff offers weekly literary events, shows endless patience, and offers encouragement as our kids explore their vast book collection. Nearby, St Teresa of Avila Church welcomes our often restless children with open arms to their multi-generational, family-friendly services. This season, they’re teaching kids about sharing through the Christmas giving tree. Our local businesses also foster a sense of community, from Goat Hill Pizza giving out free slices on Halloween, to the employees at Good Life Grocery knowing my children by name, or to Farley’s Café, with their box of toys and children’s chairs always at the ready for the 7 a.m. crowd.

You bet I choose to live in this City, in this neighborhood.   We’re honored to be part of the fabric of Potrero Hill, and look forward to working with our neighbors to make it stronger.

Margaret Yang lives on Missouri Street with her husband, Austin, and their two children.  She works in Buying for Gap Online. “Why I Choose to Raise My Family in San Francisco” is the brainchild of the Potrero Residents Education Fund, a nonprofit committed to helping create a stronger, more vibrant San Francisco by ensuring that families from a diversity of income levels raise their children in the City. Submit your own stories to editor@potreroview.net.