Serving the Potrero Hill, Dogpatch, Mission Bay, & SOMA neighborhoods since 1970

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826 Valencia

Starr King Elementary School Writes with 826 Valencia Mission Bay

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One of 826 Valencia Mission Bay’s first year goals was to work with third-grade classrooms at schools in Bayview and Potrero Hill, providing weekly writing support. Since last August, 826 staff and volunteers have worked with Herman Shepard, Starr King Elementary School teacher, to design whimsical and weird, Common Core-aligned writing lessons. From personal narratives…

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How does your America compare to the one you’ve been promised by the founding fathers?

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That’s the question that Ms. Zeynep’s eleventh grade students at San Francisco International High School sought to answer through poetry, as part of a project with 826 Valencia. 826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills. 826 staff lead trained volunteer…

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