Starting Salaries Vary Widely by Profession, Baking in Inequality

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Starting salaries for college graduates vary widely depending on the profession, setting up individuals for a likely lifetime of income disparities. Notably, journalists and elementary schoolteachers are at the bottom of the wage barrel, which raises the question, why are we asking people in essential jobs to do them at the cost of significant economic sacrifice? Those without college educations do even more poorly, with the average overall salary much lower than for software engineers. Data, compiled by the University of Chicago, are U.S. averages; wage disparities in the Bay Area tend to be greater.

Investment Banking Analyst$78,906
Quantitative Equities Trader$143,317
Quantitative Software Engineer$126,275
Management & Strategy Consultant$75,000
Economic Consultant$72,567
Human Capital Consultant$62,579
Assistant Brand Manager$50,730
Marketing Associate$42,745
Corporate Communications Associate$44,517
Human Resources Analyst$45,557
Employment Benefits Specialist$49,967
Job Recruiter$41,588
Supply Chain Analyst$56,718
Logistics Coordinator$46,026
Procurement Specialist$50,170
Back End Software Developer$61,042
Full Stack Software Developer$64,869
Front End Software Developer$59,975
Elementary Schoolteacher$39,709
High School Teacher$41,264
Copy Editor$39,068
News Reporter$29,169
Social Services Case Manager$35,780
School Counselor$43,964
Average U.S Salary$74,738